This month’s senior luncheon celebrated our strong connection to the people and culture of Ireland.
From our founding father, Monsignor O’Donohue through Monsignors Sheahan and Campbell, our parish has been inspired and guided by Ireland’s greatest export – her priests. To honor this legacy, Monsignor Campbell and Monsignor Brian Hayes spoke to the crowd of 100 about the history of our parish and the Diocese of San Diego, sprinkling their talks with the multitude of Irish surnamed priests with whom they’ve served. It’s clear that we owe a great deal to Ireland for our religious education and faith.
With The Clancy Brother’s music playing in the background, guests enjoyed coffee and fresh Irish soda bread provided by John Ohle. The corned beef luncheon was delicious, and every bit was happily devoured. San Diego Catering outdid themselves with this lunch.
A special after lunch treat was the introduction of Ellen Artley, one of our early parishioners, and her daughter Eileen McCann, the creator of the beautiful Irish landscapes that adorn the parish hall each spring. We are grateful for their hard work and dedication to our Irish roots. We certainly enjoy the fruits of their labor today.
The Malone Academy of Irish Dance sent two fine performers to complete our afternoon. Connor and Vicky thrilled the audience with their high stepping, twirling dances that were met with thunderous applause.
We thank our special guests, our lively patrons, and everyone who volunteered to decorate, serve and clean up our St. Patrick’s celebration.
Join us next month on April 18th for our Spring Fling.