Novena to the Holy Spirit Beginning, Friday May 27

Did You Know? The First Novena

Before Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven, He told His disciples to return to Jerusalem and to wait in prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 1:4-5). For the next nine days, the disciples, along with Mary and some other women, “devoted themselves to constant prayer” (Acts 1:14). This time of prayer is often called the first novena (meaning nine). A novena is a nine-day period of prayer for a particular intention.

How great would it be for our whole parish to pray a novena together in preparation for Pentecost,  This year, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord next Sunday, May 29. Beginning the Friday before (May 27), you are invited to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit for any particular intention. You are encouraged to also pray for our Church family that we will have a greater sense of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 
Copies of the Novena to the Holy Spirit can be found in the church, or click below!