Wednesday, January 22

What is Wednesdays at OMC?
Father Steven has a vision of having Wednesdays be a day of gathering together to share a meal, to build community, and to learn and grow in our faith together. To that end, we have been hosting Wednesdays at OMC. On three Wednesdays a month we have a delicious meal together and then either watch a video or have a live speaker. There is no charge for these events, although we do accept donations toward the cost of the meal.
Some of our upcoming events include movie night, a special night celebrating National Marriage Week and kicking off our new OMC Marriage Ministry, a three-week lesson on Theology of the Body with a speaker from the Diocesan Institute, a lesson on our role during the Mass with Fr. Steven, and a video series on God the Father.
All are welcome – bring a friend!