Monthly Events

First Sunday/Month Parish Breakfast
“The best breakfast in town!”
Following the 7:30 and 9 am Masses.

OMC Knights invite ALL!
4th Thursday/month
St. Paul Room located in the Parish Hall
Bring a tasty family recipe to share with your fellow parishioners. Enjoy and beverage followed by dinner beginning at 7 pm.

We are Catholic men who share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models to serve our Faith, our Families, and our Community.
Family Activities
Food for OMC Families and donations to Food Bank
Emergency Food Distribution through San Diego Catholic Charities
Church Activities
Support for our Clergy, Seminarians and Novitiates
Religious Christmas Books to all our families
Volunteers as CCD Catechists and semi-annual retreats
Donations of paper products to Parish Ministries – classes, socials, CCD
Youth Activities
Fall Youth Festival
Donations for the First Holy Communion and Confirmation receptions
Scholarship Awards to OMC High School Seniors
Culture of Life Activities
Annual Intellectual Disabilities Drive serving Noah Homes, St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center and Special Olympics
Birthline and Life Perspectives Walk
Light and Life Ultrasound Initiative
Community Activities
Service hours and donations to Veterans Village of San Diego – Operation Stand Down
Donations for Fr. Joe’s/St. Vincent de Paul Villages Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners
Helping Hands – preparing and providing Pancake Breakfast to 500+ of our UC neighbors
Volunteer hours at Habitat for Humanity
Mike Calcagno, Membership Director, 619-405-9507
Mel Antonio, Grand Knight,
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic Family Fraternal Service Organization and has been called “the strong right arm of the Church.” Popes, Presidents and many world leaders have cited it for its support of the Church, its civic involvement, and its aid to those in need. Membership in the Knights is over 1.6 million brothers plus their families, each of them contributing annual dues to the organization. Annually the Knights provide over 50 million hours of volunteer service and over $105 million dollars donated to charitable and fraternal projects.
Locally we financially support two young men who are Seminarians to help them continue their education and to purchase any essentials they might require. We support local Church charitable activities and campaigns such as antiabortion projects as well as our Supreme Council activities. Our local fund raising activities include breakfasts after Masses, Christmas tree sales, Tootsie Roll drives, etc.
The next time you say The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag think of the Knights. It was the Knights of Columbus who were responsible for adding the words “under God” to the pledge.