Elementary | Adults | Youth

The Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Program at Our  Mother  of  Confidence offers  catechesis  for  children in  grades K – 6 and youth in grades 7-12. Our  catechists  and  students  share  and  grow  in  faith  as  they  journey  together.  We also offer a Family Formation program for grades 1-8.  Families learn about their faith together.  Please contact JoEllyn Mascarenhas at 858-453-3554 or email at jmascarenhas@omcsandiego.org

Becoming Catholic (RCIA)

This ministry is for adults seeking to receive Sacraments or in becoming a Catholic.  Our focus in on learning and formation.  Learning about the Church, learning about Jesus, and learning about a life with Jesus.  Through Formation, we find ourselves increasing our prayer life and building a personal relationship with Jesus.  The Sacraments we focus on are call the Sacraments of Initiation; they include Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. An interested person would meet with our clergy (Fr. Steven and Deacon Scott) as well as participate in small group sessions.  For more information please call Deacon Scott Wall at 858-453-0222, or email him at swall@omcsandiego.org.