The French Gourmet enhanced his stellar reputation Thursday by presenting our senior luncheon with the most scrumptious turkey feast we’ve ever had! Conversations between friends, new and old, filled the hall during our annual Thanksgiving celebration.
With tables elegantly set by our Knights of Columbus, guests enjoyed fresh baked bread, coffee, and spiced cider as they awaited lunch. Michel, the chef greeted the crowd, Art led the Pledge of Allegiance, and John spoke the grace. Then, the main event began, as the kitchen crew filled plates with mashed potatoes, carrots, string beans, and, of course, delicious slices of turkey. Teams of servers whisked the plates, along with hot yams and gravy, to the tables. John noted that every guest had been served their meal within 15 minutes. Wow! What service!
Delicious pumpkin pie replaced the emptied dinner plates that were cleared away by our hardworking team. We are so grateful to the 35 volunteers who made our luncheon such a success. God has blessed this parish with so many wonderful workers.
Our next lunch will be a Christmas carol sing-along to be held on Thurs., Dec. 19th. Be sure to sign up Dec. 8th in the narthex.